Small Round Box
All inclusive price (+tax) includes one ceramic piece, paint, glazing and firing. 3" x 2.25"high. See the color choices here or go to Paints & Glazes to select the colors you would like included in your kit. Put the color name (white, black, tinman, etc) or the color number (Y1, B2..etc.) in the answers below so that your To Go Kit includes your custom selected colors. (Tooth applique not included).
Included with this piece:
Large Paint - 1 Color of Paint (Choose)
Small Paint - 3 Colors of Paint (Choose)
Please note, only paints provided by Glazey Dayz can be used. We do not use acrylic paints. Any other paints other than Glazey Dayz can not be fired in our kiln. If you want additional paints they can be ordered on line.